Fascination Fledgeby love

Fascination Fledgeby


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  • Thus, Fascination Fledgeby went his way, exulting in the artful cleverness with which he had turned his thumb down on a Jew, and the old man went his different way up-stairs.

    Our Mutual Friend 2004

  • ‘Perhaps not,’ said Fascination Fledgeby, with great quickness of repartee; ‘but I expect it will be devilish warm to-morrow.’

    Our Mutual Friend 2004

  • 'Perhaps not,' said Fascination Fledgeby, with great quickness of repartee; 'but I expect it will be devilish warm to-morrow.'

    Our Mutual Friend Charles Dickens 1841

  • 'Now, look here, Lammle,' said Fascination Fledgeby, with the meanest of twinkles in his meanest of eyes: which were too near together, by the way: 'look here, Lammle; I am very well aware that I didn't show to advantage last night, and that you and your wife -- who, I consider, is

    Our Mutual Friend Charles Dickens 1841

  • 'That's deuced good, that is!' said Fascination Fledgeby.

    Our Mutual Friend Charles Dickens 1841

  • Thus, Fascination Fledgeby went his way, exulting in the artful cleverness with which he had turned his thumb down on a Jew, and the old man went his different way up-stairs.

    Our Mutual Friend Charles Dickens 1841

  • ‘Now, look here, Lammle,’ said Fascination Fledgeby, with the meanest of twinkles in his meanest of eyes: which were too near together, by the way: ‘look here, Lammle; I am very well aware that

    Our Mutual Friend 2004


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